About me — My Little Duke


Welcome to my little corner on the net! I’m Steph and it is so good to have you here. I’m Mummy to Phoebe (10) and Rupert (1). I’m wife to Matt who I first kissed when I was 16.

I get my kicks from climbing mountains (I took up solo hiking about 4 years ago). My most recent mountain challenge was completing the UK’s 4 Highest Peaks with my Dad for a second time last year. Loved every second of it.

You’ll often find me in a coffee shop, with a skinny flat white and something tasty to eat. Breakfast is my jam, so anywhere with a good coffee and brunch menu is the one.

My guilty pleasure is the American Office. It’s my comfort blanket and my laugh out loud escape from reality. I’ll finish season 9 and go right back and restart watching season 1!

I’m a trained English teacher, and after a little hiatus, I’m back in the classroom 3 days a week. It’s a joy and privilege, something I don’t ever take for granted.

Oh! And I also take too many photographs. I’ll not tell you how many are currently on my phone! It’s beyond a joke now!

What can you expect to find here?

My Little Duke (MLD) has evolved so much over this past decade (did you know we started as an online baby shop?!) and I’ve loved the many unexpected opportunities and surprises that have come through this platform. I’ve been so very blessed to work with brilliant brands (you can read more about my brand work here), collaborating with lots of local businesses along the way and blogging the odd time too!

However, the MLD journey began with motherhood and that is what still remains at the heart of everything I do. This blog is a space where I document a little bit of life and faith, write reviews on places I’ve been or products I’d recommend.

Come say Hi!

I love connecting with you, please pop by and say hello via email: steph@mylittleduke.com or over on my social media channels Instagram or Facebook.

For business and/or collaborations please email: steph@mylittleduke.com

For event invites or product enquiries please email: steph@mylittleduke.com

My Media Pack is available on request.
